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Insurance Articles

Every sale in the Insurance Industry starts with one word: HELLO.  

That’s why every article we’ve written, every sales letter we write has one goal: making your phone ring.

Insurance sales letters don’t sell insurance.  There are no prices, forms to full out, or even a price quote in a sales letter.

Insurance sales letters should only do one thing:   make your phone ring.  Then YOU have the opportunity to sell insurance.

If your phone doesn’t ring, you didn’t make the sale. So… 

Go ahead – click around.  Find the articles you like — read and study them.  

Helpful?  Yea, really.  Interesting… and fun?  We hope so – that’s why we wrote them for you.

Insurance Sales Articles, How-To Tips and Techniques…

sales letters written by Jeffrey Dobkin

Elegant and highly responsive – sales letters written by Jeffrey Dobkin

How to Write Highly Responsive Letters 

Part II – Building Trust

Sales Letters III – Do They Really Sell Insurance?

Quotes that Make People Call

FREE Sample Insurance Sales Letter

Insurance Sales Tips: How to Handle the Phone Calls

Insurance Sales Letters – 5 Letter Openings

Sales Letter Descriptions

Click Here to Buy The Awesome Insurance Sales Letter Series!

We believe the best way to sell insurance is in person.  Face to face.

Certainly the next best way is by speaking with someone on the phone.
The best way to get new prospects on the phone?  Mail them a letter.  It can be such effective, precision marketing at the lowest cost.
With this strong belief in mind, many of our articles show you how to write highly effective, highly responsive letters.

Yes, we want you to write your own sales letters.  You’ll see first hand, “Yes! It’s hard work! And surprisingly time consuming!” It takes Jeff Dobkin 10 to 12 hours per page to research, write, edit and design if you want a tight, crisp letter.  Sometimes even longer.  If you can do it faster and better, please let him know your secret – because he hasn’t discovered it yet and he’s been writing sales letters for 25 years – give or take a decade.

If you get stuck or don’t feel like spending the time… or your letters are not coming out the way you thought they would; or you’re are just too busy making money to write your own sales letters — we’re here to help.  We sell an amazing set of highly-responsive Insurance Sales Letters.

Our letters offer a complete marketing campaign in a single download… for under $300. Complete your marketing in a single evening!

· Letter Objective: Make customers, referrals and prospects CALL YOU!
· Why struggle with writing, then take a chance on success?  Our letters are tested and proven to work.
· Get Highest Quality Leads – speak only with people who are interested!

Hey, check us out.  In fact check out our most famous, most powerful and most motivational letters ever: View FREE Sample Insurance Letter  or… read our insurance sales letter descriptions.  See exactly why these Awesome Insurance Sales Letters increase your phone calls!  Get more business just by mailing these letters!

· Mail these letters and people call you:  Direct Mail a complete, simple. successful marketing plan for insurance agencies!
· Many agencies have have become hugely successful solely by mailing letters.  That’s ALL the marketing they do!

· Modify these letters to drive people to your website, to get views and traffic to your site.
· Kick up your response, speak with more people and write more business! 
· Since our letters don’t sell any products – they just generate phone calls – our letters work with ALL types of insurance agencies and insurance products!

Because people don’t buy insurance from a letter, people buy insurance from a person: 
Ours sales letters don’t sell insurance.  The 
sales letters we write have a different goal: to make your phone ring.
We design and write every letter, every paragraph, every line to increase your  phone calls.
Our letters offer you the opportunity to sell insurance. We simply make that introduction.

If our letters don’t make your phone ring, we feel the letters have failed.  So we use every trick we’ve learned in our 25 years of marketing and copywriting experience – to make that one extra reader pick up the phone and call you now.  

The letters we have written are SO different than ANY other letters you see on the internet: 
See for yourself…  So that you can experience the look, feel and quality of our insurance  sales letters – and get an idea of why our sales letters are so effective and so damn highly responsive – we’ve included a FREE SAMPLE insurance sales letter for you to see… and study!  (So sorry, not for your use unless you license our insurance sales letters series.)  

If you need to increase your sales enjoy the many direct marketing articles on our site that will help and assist you.  If you have any questions please feel free to Email Jeffrey: jeff at dobkin dot com or call: 610-642-1000 rings on his desk. Thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy our website.

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Find way more articles here!

Jeff Dobkin at Baseball Game

Jeffrey Dobkin at the game.

Thanks for visiting our site and considering purchasing our sales letters.  We appreciate it.

Questions?  Comments?  Please call – 610-642-1000.  Thanks.