Jeffrey Dobkin: About, Client Services…
Jeffrey does top shelf work for clients. If you’re looking for copywriting, highly responsive letters and direct marketing campaigns, tough shrewd campaign analysis, especially effective advertising, writing and direct mail — please call.
Call 610-642-1000 – this number rings on Dobkin’s desk. Have a direct marketing question? Call and get real, practical, useful answers in the first phone call. Go ahead, call us on it: see what Dobkin’s worth…Or… email Jeffrey Dobkin here! The first phone call, consultation, marketing tips and techniques are always free!
Besides the direct mail examples and direct mail letters you see on this site, Jeffrey writes a lot of highly responsive letters for clients. Any industry.
Along with strong direct mail marketing writing, he also writes client’s website content, blog posts, articles, direct mail packages, catalog copy, newspaper and magazine ads, TV ads, both short and long form ads and infomercials, radio and TV scripts, commercials, communication plans, marketing reports, annual reports, booklets, brochures, and heck if you see anything we missed please call him up (610-642-1000) and ask. Thanks.
Marketing and Business Strategy
Very strong with the strategies of finding and figuring out where the easiest and most profitable sales will come from – and how to reach those markets effortlessly, efficiently, effectively and at the lowest cost.
Marketing Audits:
Uncovers what a company is doing right in their marketing, what they are doing wrong, and what they are simply missing. Includes specific recommendations.
Market Analysis:
Includes media analysis, industry magazine study, analysis of industry entrance barriers, trade show review, in-depth examination of primary, secondary and tertiary markets. Competition. Analysis of current business effectiveness in the marketing arena and assessment of opportunities to improve.
Consumer markets include newspaper, magazine, and TV analysis, as well as geographic and demographic review; and in-depth direct market analysis options.
Direct Marketing:
Particularly strong in all phases of advertising, marketing and direct marketing including campaign conception, creating ads and direct mail, mailing lists, marketing strategy, writing, testing and results analysis.
Corporate Communication Strategy
Blending company communications with corporate identity.

Direct Marketing Ad · Jeffrey Dobkin
Standardizing the look and feel of the corporate entity across all communications including consumer, dealer, trade, investor, and the media.
Strengths and expertise in copywriting and graphics. Senior level skills include logo development and refinement, writing and design of corporate literature and collateral material.
Specialties include writing and designing short and long form direct-selling ads, direct mail package creation; and catalog copywriting (matching style.) Heavy experience and expertise in mailing lists including purchasing mailing lists, list segmentation and testing, and results analysis.
Marketing Plans:
With more than 25 years in the direct marketing industry, it’s easy for me to fine tune marketing plans. I can see a hole in your marketing plan from your driveway. If you have a marketing plan I can show you how to strengthen it, where it works, and where it doesn’t work.
I also write marketing and promotional plans from scratch. I obsess about writing the effective “promotional” part of marketing plans.
Full marketing plans often contain financials and are usually written as a pitch for funding; but aren’t usually helpful for real marketing purposes. As best as I can figure out, you can predict anything… but the future.
Dobkin’s specialty is the promotional section of these plans: strategies of how and where to sell products and services, where to advertise within those markets, researching and figuring out what your most effective sales avenues are; media and magazine analysis, cost analysis, media and direct mail testing — and a realistic look at probable results of the plan along with interpretation and analysis of the initial data and the early results.
Public Relations:
Most comfortable writing press releases, press campaigns, and conceptional work in PR. For larger clients: full participation in generating consistent press in any media.
Advertising is knowing what to say, marketing is knowing where to say it. Advertising campaign strategy and execution. Ad creation, writing, design, and the negotiation of placement of both magazine and newspaper advertisements. Very strong in publisher negotiation and magazine analytics. I often save clients well past my fees by negotiating ad rates in their favor. Are you getting the best rate for your ad placement? Are you sure?
· Comfortable in any platform and writing style.
· Can emulate any writing style for a coherent match to pre-existing copy; especially great for keeping catalog copy consistent.
· Very good with news, journalistic, scientific, technical and instructional writing.
· Can write to pharma, insurance and financial industries within compliance rulings.
· Best with consumer and business-with a casual conversational style.
· Excellent with cadence and pacing to attract and tightly hold readers attention.
Specialists in direct mail and direct-selling ads.
Letters: Exceptionally strong in “direct mail letter” style writing and graphics.
· Direct selling, short and long letter copy platforms.
· Fundraising letters and packages, written for any justified cause.
· Specialist in letters to the financial, MLM and insurance communities.
Solid creative writing and directing with film, DRTV and industrial film scripting.
Exceptional with conceptional work for scripting, producing, production techniques, directing and editing TV ads – both short and long form.
Great with creating white papers, research papers; ghost writing papers, books (ghost writing, editing), book covers and jackets.
Competent in all phases of editing (OK, except maybe for my own writing).
Traditional Advertising:
Very strong with core skills in creating all phases of institutional advertising, branding, and image advertising. High-end ads and package design. Labels. Corporate collateral and sales material.
· Unusually good with conceptual work for direct marketing methods, especially when direct mail is used in combination with traditional advertising.
· Familiar with compliance issues in the medical, pharmaceutical and financial fields.
· Familiar with pharmaceutical and nutraceutical marketing – writing, packaging, labeling, literature; and traditional and direct-sales advertising.
· Exceptionally solid with all kinds of direct mail (print media).
· Intimate with all mailing formats, printing requirements and response-oriented marketing techniques.
· Very Knowledgeable in mailing list specification, selection, testing and segmentation analysis.
· Familiar with most local advertising media: ad specialties, bench, coupons, cash register tape, newspaper, magazines, theater programs, school yearbooks, church and synagog newsletters, train and bus advertising, and outdoor.
Specialist in InDesign (Adobe)
Print media specialist —
· Familiar and intimate with all print processes and paper specification – sheetfed, letterpress, embossing, stamping & dies; miniweb and web. Also rotogravure, label, thermography, four color, label affixing, forms, envelopes.
· Graphics and layout designed with printing in mind.
· Tight specifications in print so jobs can be bid nationally.
Deep familiarization with all forms of brochures, booklets, flyers, ads, folds, papers, glue patterns, affixing, foils, embossing; digital printing, traditional, letterpress and web printing.
Comfortable with creation, composition and specifying magazine ads, newspaper ads — both traditional and direct selling. Specialists and experienced in direct-selling print ads: quarter, half and full page ads in both magazines and newspapers. Tightly resourced by us when run on a remnant space national basis.
Design Expertise:
Logo design, labels, packaging (writing, specifying, folding, gluing, structure development and design), conceptional and finished layout of retail packaging including writing, design and graphics.
Capable of creating high-end advertisements, specialties and collateral material.
Intimate with all forms of book composition, paper specification, layout, editorial and typography specifications.
Great with conceptual work in flat or in 3-D, including writing, graphics & package design.
Exceptional in technical photographic methods and composition. A great amount of experience in all forms of photography: studio, action, sports, portraiture, architectural, catalog, people and product photography, in both traditional film and digital. Includes heavy experience in staging, pre-set, lighting, shot selection, commercial shot set-up preparatory work and design, and photo retouching. Video set up, framing, lighting, direction and editing production.
Web Content
· Comfortable with SEO landing page writing, and all kinds of web content written to your own selected objectives.
Don’t just take our word for it – our own SEO search terms are
· Insurance Sales Letters · Financial Advisor Sales Letters, and · Network Marketing Letters.
Go ahead, check us out: Look them up in Google.So… how’d we do?
· Familiar with website and navigation strategies.
· Good with website page layout, content layout.
· High SEO keyword-rich writing.
· Special offers and testing.
· Pretty good at creating very sticky pages.
· Currently learning HTML and web graphics interfaces (ugh).
· Excellent with blog content, blog strategy and guest posting and writing.
· Most comfortable meeting clients, handling accounts with kid gloves.
· Excellent skills in bringing clients quickly up to speed when analyzing their marketing and direct marketing efforts.
· Finds flaws and inefficiencies fast in marketing programs, and can relay same in a constructive manner. Offers suggestions and recommendations.
· Can usually see 60% to 80% of the holes in a marketing program in the first few hours of meetings. (For example the most common flaws I see in YOUR marketing campaign are 1. no coherent public relations program; and 2. little, none, or ineffective tracking in place.) Hummm, how did he know that?Great with on-the-spot analysis and presentation of useful recommendations, followed up by deeper written analysis and going further: even more useful and practical recommendations.

Jeffrey Dobkin
I define the markets, and show firms where to find the easiest and fastest sales first, how to reach purchasers most efficiently and at the least cost. I let firms know what they are doing right (effective marketing), and what they are doing wrong (ineffective or over-cost marketing). I demonstrate how to increase their successes and how to correct failing or expensive mistakes. Finally, I show how to test and measure response so marketing becomes more effective over time.
OK, so now you kinda’ know what I do, and the question remains… What can I do for you?
If this sounds interesting – and it must because you’re read this far, call me and let’s chat: 610-642-1000 rings on my desk.
From just write a simple sales letter to a concept to a FREE booklet offer to make your ads more effective Dobkin can make your phone ring. Call if you have a question or simply would like your phone to ring more frequently. Or… email Jeffrey Dobkin here!
Hey – if you made it this far – you deserve a FREE book!
Just call me and I’ll send it right out with my compliments!
This phone rings on my desk — Call 610-642-1000.
Thanks! Jeffrey Dobkin