Marketing made effortless – without phone calls…
Dear Colleague:
Have you ever heard of me, Jeffrey Dobkin? No, I didn’t think so.
I never became famous.
I never became famous because I’ve spent the last 25 years in the trenches, working with the little guys.
I was busy helping my small business clients get rich.
No fancy overnight schemes. No roads to instant success. But if you hired me as a consultant, I presented some of the most powerful, easiest to follow, yet most effective and lowest-cost marketing campaigns you could find.
The campaigns I created could be implemented by anyone: inventors who have had absolutely no experience in marketing, entrepreneurs just working from their homes – in their spare time, and small business owners who needed a fast ramp-up of exceptionally effective in-depth marketing methods.
By now, I’ve helped thousands of small businesses both personally and through my writing on direct marketing.
My columns on marketing and direct marketing have appeared in over 400 publications and tough, shrewd business journals; marketing newsletters,
direct mail newspapers, and entrepreneur magazines. They publish my advice on marketing for one reason:
I cut right through the theoretical crap and tell business owners exactly what to do to get more business, why, and exactly how to do it.
![How To Market A Product for Under $500! Cult Classic Book by Jeffrey Dobkin](
Click to View Table of Contents – Best Marketing Book Ever…
No history, no theory, and no B.S. My columns are filled with in-depth marketing advice – strictly for small businesses. My stuff works right, the first time.
Now, in a special offer to my colleagues and friends you can get some of the best hands-on, most valuable tools on small business marketing ever written.
But let me start at the beginning, and tell you about my offer – and myself: just who I am, and why my unconventional books and audios can get you into business;
If you’re in business, let me show you exactly how to increase your business – almost effortlessly – 2x, 5x, maybe even 10 or 20 times.
Cult Classic Book: “How To Market a Product for Under $500!”
Almost 400, 8-1/2″ x 11″ pages.
Over 2-1/2 lbs. of inside marketing knowledge.
This book is totally filled with tips and tricks you can put to use right now to make your own marketing easier, more effective, and yet lower your costs.
In under 6 months, with under $500 to invest, anyone can market a product, nationally.
Sound impossible? OK, let’s make this a little more difficult:
Working from any office – or your home – on a full or PART TIME basis, you can single-handedly launch a new product nationally in under 6 months, for under $500. Without phone calls.
You can learn exactly how to do this in just a few nights of enjoyable reading.
How To Market a Product for Under $500! will change the way you think about marketing any product – forever.
The reason?
I’ve crammed How To Market A Product for Under $500 with meat and potatoes stuff: hands-on marketing advice you never learned in school; yet easy to understand and implement. Information is general enough for the lay person, deep enough for the seasoned professional.
For example: You may know about press releases – what they are, how to write one.
You can skip the first chapter in the book, which shows all of that.
But you’ll miss —
• How to write a press release – specifically in the format editors prefer.
• How to increase your chances of having your press release published from 5% to 85% with just this one simple trick.
• The 12 words you need to say to any editor that almost guarantees they will help you get your release into their publication.
• The specific formula to create your press release headline that 1. attracts your audience and 2. draws maximum response – 3. but only from your real prospects.
Why waste time and literature on people who aren’t going to buy?
• The secret way to make sure NONE of your product benefits gets cut out by an editor.
Don’t let my easygoin’ conversational style of writing fool you – this marketing book is filled with incredible depth in the information-rich content.
1/3 of our marketing book sales are to TOUGH, savvy marketing professionals –
I get their “Thank you so much for your book” letters all the time. All the time.
You see, I don’t leave anything to chance.
You’ll learn secrets it took me a lifetime in marketing to find or figure out. You’ll learn not only what these inside secrets are, but exactly when to bring these tactics to the table.
How To Market a Product for Under $500 – Call Toll Free To Order: 800-234-IDEA
But if you don’t want to read almost 400 pages of lean marketing information I can understand.
Perhaps you should start with a shorter book I’ve written:
UNcommon Marketing Techniques![Uncommon Marketing Techniques Front Cover](
A collection of articles by Jeffrey Dobkin
The articles in this title will show you everything you need to know to bring a product or service to market.
They’ll also give you some great weapons for achieving success in business – easily – from the unconventional mind of Jeff Dobkin.
Just a few of the articles included are:
The BIGGEST Mistake Every Firm Makes in Marketing, and What You Can Do to Correct It in Your Firm, for $5.
Find out what this costly mistake is. Do you really make it? Can you correct it?
The 15 Page Marketing Plan.
If you can write 15 pages, without question, this is the plan to implement.
Questions People Ask Me the Most About Direct Marketing:
· Everyone asks the same questions: What is marketing?
· What’s the best response percent to receive from a mailing?
· Does long copy work better than short copy?
· Should you use teaser copy on your envelope? The answers may surprise you.
Increase Your Ad Response 10 Times. Here’s exactly how!
The Most Valuable Letter You Can Write.
How to write it, what to say – and how to make it bring you additional business!
How To Find the Markets for Your Invention.
There are some great and easy-to-use reference tools that make the marketing function easy.
Here’s a selection of marketing directories found in most libraries, and some examples of how to use them.
Successful Kitchen Table Marketing.
Other people are making money from their kitchen table, you can too. Here’s how.
Magazine Publishers Hate Me!
Exactly how to buy magazine ad space at a discount! Get discounts of 30%, 40%, 60% – and more! Get better position, move up in ad size, and get a second color, free. Explicit instructions.
How To Create Your Own Great Ad; Or Get One You Like From an Agency — The First Time.
How To Write a Small Classified Ad.
You can triple your response by following these few simple rules.
Plan B.
Before bankruptcy, here are the steps you should consider. No one gives you this touchy, frank, and honest information.
How To Create a Winning Direct Mail Package.
You have 5 seconds to initiate success. How to make your mail draw maximum response.
The 13 Fastest and Best Ways to Get Business Right Now!
These articles provide an instant education in small business marketing, presented in a way anyone can understand. Thousands of people have seen my uncanny marketing techniques work wonders for their own small businesses. Low-cost techniques that bring in response, customers, business – and money – fast.
For the past 25 years I’ve helped clients and friends achieve success, one business at a time. Yours can be next.
Uncommon Marketing Techniques – Order Online or Call Toll Free To Order: 800-234-IDEA
Since I only work with small businesses, all the plans I’ve created can be completed by yourself, or just a few people.
Campaigns can be implemented easily, by small businesses that are lean on help – and cash.
Over the years I’ve developed some pretty innovative ways for even just a single entrepreneur working by himself to market a product effectively, right from his home.
Over and over – for 25 years – I kept on refining my low-cost marketing techniques. They’ve gotten better and better. Easier to follow. More accurate. More effective.
After 25 years I’ve finally written a few books about my most successful marketing methods. Books that show you exactly what you need to do to make your business successful, exactly how to make your phone ring, and how to bring customers in. These are the same techniques others have paid me incredible fees to figure out. Techniques that have been successful for my clients.
Order your own copy of How To Market a Product for Under $500. I guarantee it’s different from any other marketing book you have ever read.
It’s not just fluffy information “about” marketing – it’s real solutions for tough marketing problems.
No superfluous chit chat that only works for General Motors or other giant firms with unlimited budgets.
You get methods that work with a short staff. Low-cost techniques you can rely on when you have no back-up cash, and need to get it right, the first time.
Along the way I answer lots of marketing questions, and reveal some unusual marketing methods.
For example:
• How to figure out – and write – your entire marketing and publicity plan in one evening. Page 211
• Execute your publicity campaign in entirety the next day? By yourself? Page 216
• A two-minute procedure to increase the chance your press release will be published – from 5% to 85%. Page 26
• How to get your product in catalogs. It’s easy – if you do it right. Page 135
• Best months to advertise, worst months to advertise – the magazine publishers never tell you this! P. 258
• Analysis of your local library’s best marketing reference guides and how to use each one. Page 117
How To Market a Product for Under $500 – Call Toll Free To Order: 800-234-IDEA
You see, after years of creating successful marketing plans for my clients, I’ve learned exactly what works – and what doesn’t.
Most importantly: I’ve learned not only what’s the most effective, but what’s easiest to implement – so it gets done. What good is a plan if it doesn’t get done?
I know all this sounds impossible. Market a product – for under $500? Easier? More effective? Less cost? Just try it!
Call and order: 800-234-IDEA. Or order online at See for yourself in just a few nights of easy reading. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, fast, and effective. Any product. Every industry. Check it out yourself. Money back guarantee. You’ve so much to gain, nothing to lose. Why wait?
I describe the evolution of my plan this way:
“Over the years I saw the same strategies work successfully for client after client. My particularly easy-to-implement campaigns skyrocketed my clients’ revenues, and worked miracles to bring in customers – and money – fast, time and time again.
“Over and over – for 25 years – I continued to fine-tune my marketing processes. I refined these campaigns and made them even easier to use, and still lower in cost. I honed them down to a precision science. No unnecessary moves. No wasted expense. I cut out the hard-to-implement parts, and I increased each campaign’s effectiveness to make it work harder.
“The techniques evolved to become the marketing campaigns I now recommend. The successful formula are in my books and audios. ANY company or individual can use these strategies to achieve success on their own – just by reading the books and listening to the audios.”
Here’s just a couple more things you’ll learn —
• Learn the secret process editors use to select press releases. Page 20
• Are you getting the lowest ad rate? Are you sure? The magazines’ printed rate sheets – they’re just for tourists! Learn what to say – and when! The magazine publishers never tell you this. Page 245
• Find all the magazines in an industry, any industry, in ten minutes? Page 211.
• How to determine in which magazines to place ads. It’s easy – with this simple method. Page 264
• No literature? You don’t need it. Really. Page 348
• How to get an ad you like out of an ad agency, the first time. Page 320
Call now toll free – 800-234-IDEA – to order this incredible marketing course in a book of both traditional and uncommon marketing techniques. I guarantee you’ll love it or you can send it back – your satisfaction is completely guaranteed.
How To Market a Product for Under $500 – Click Here to be taken to our secure checkout page!
Discover how to make your marketing and advertising sizzle with response. Discover how easy it is to make customers CALL YOU when you order this equivalent of a full 4-year college course in practical marketing methods: simply read the books and listen to the audios.
Learn incredible, fascinating inside secrets of marketing. It’s an immediate education in marketing today. You have my personal invitation to purchase a signed edition of the course: How To Market a Product for Under $500, the book UNcommon Marketing Techniques containing over 33 of my best marketing articles, and the audios at one special low price.
Please call to order: 800-234-IDEA, visit to order the e-books, or call or write with questions.
I guarantee this course in marketing and direct marketing will immediately increase your business, and at the same time lower your advertising and marketing costs. I know it will make you more successful, or I want you to ask for an immediate refund. Our company policy: Satisfaction Always Guaranteed.
Order now, completely risk free. Call today, while you’re thinking about it. Thank you.
Kindest regards,
Jeffrey Dobkin
PS – Please don’t confuse How To Market a Product for Under $500 with ANY other book.
If you’ve wasted your time reading other marketing books, sorry! This book is totally different.
Their marketing techniques may not work for you, or with a small staff and small budget, ours will!
I absolutely guarantee my techniques WILL WORK – AND WILL WORK FOR YOU – no matter how how small OR HOW BIG your business is.
Just place your order online, and follow the simple instructions in the book. Within the week you’ll see for yourself the magic you’ve been missing in your marketing. Take these easy extra steps to ensure your complete success.
The absolute proof is…
We make this offer to every reader: order the hard copy – print on paper version of our book, read it – and your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed or your money back.
But that’s not what makes me so confident that you’re going to want this for your permanent collection of marketing reference tools. That just tells you what kind of a firm we run.
I’ve seen how much my plans have helped my clients over the years, and I know what an incredible help – and enlightenment – these self-working techniques will be to you.
But the real absolute proof is this: Since the book’s publication over 15 years ago, we’ve gotten only 3 back.
That should tell you what an incredible marketing course you’re about to receive when you place your order. Give it a try – you’ve nothing to lose – call right now, order our print version and I’ll be pleased to send you your own autographed book, personally signed by me. Just order online, or pick up the phone and give a call now – 800-234- IDEA, and place your order.
When calling, please feel free to ask for me personally if you like. Thanks. I look forward to your call, and to speaking with you on the phone. 800-234-IDEA.
Cost: How To Market A Product For Under $500! $29.95 for the e-book, and just $39.95 (+ $5 shipping and handling) for the latest edition of our hard copy – real paper and ink.
Uncommon Marketing Techniques – just $17.95 for the e-book, $21.95 for the signed paper and ink version (+ $5 shipping and handling).
One Hour Audios $19.95 delivered instantly by download online. Order Here!
Order NOW. Thanks.