by Jeffrey Dobkin
I don’t enjoy politics or politicians. I do enjoy writing direct mail letters and following their response.
This political fundraising letter is unusual because it doesn’t matter whether you are a democrat or republican, the content and political slant is dedicated to citizens and legislators who stand for a less intrusive government.
This was part of a huge mailing package consisting of a custom written newspaper, brochure, and business reply envelope – all of which I didn’t write or design. I was called very late in the mailing program… to save it. When a package fails, if the copy and graphics look OK, the first place I look for a cause of failure is the mailing list. The targets in this list proved to be evasive at best, and random at worst. I didn’t have a say in the selection of the mailing list, which I believe – along with the hugh cost of the package – lead to its demise. Not every mailing package in direct response draws sufficient response to sustain mailing it. Too bad because I believe in this cause. Copy and graphics, design of letter, Jeffrey Dobkin.
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